shouldering kingdom work together

The work of the ministry here at Harvest Church would not be possible without faithful volunteers working for Christ. Each week, hundreds of volunteers help us fulfill our mission of glorifying God and making disciples. We are one body, with many members and a specific responsibility: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another.” (1 Peter 4:10) Together we shoulder our ongoing Kingdom responsibilities and become active participants in what God’s doing in and through Harvest.

Opportunities include:


  • Ability to capture what God is doing through photos and video


    • 1 service (serve 1, attend 1), 1-2x/month

    • Serve at other church events as needed


    • An eye for detail

    • Basic camera skills helpful

    • Be a welcoming presence for kids and parents in Nursery-6th grade classrooms

    • Engage kids in discipleship conversations

    • Have fun!


    • 1 service every week or every other week

    • Attend Sunday morning Huddle

    • Attend 2 trainings yearly


    • Must pass background check

    • Growing in discipleship with Jesus

  • Welcome and check in new families to Harvest Kids


    • 1 service every other week


    • A friendly and outgoing demeanor

    • Basic computer skills helpful, but not required if willing to learn

    • Welcome others as they enter campus on a Sunday morning (parking lot, doors, ushers, info area)

    • Engage and connect through intentional conversations, answer questions if needed, and direct them to their next step

    • Identify new people and help them feel welcomed and loved

    • Ushers guide people to seats in worship center and serve communion on Sundays and special services


    • Serve one shift (1.5 services) every other Sunday

    • Attend Sunday morning huddle and yearly training


    • Must be outgoing, have a friendly demeanor, and able to pursue people in conversation

    • Provide Sunday morning breakfast for the worship and production teams

    • Provide food for leadership meetings

    • Provide meals needed through the Care Deacon


    • As often as you are able and willing


    • Enjoy serving others and showing love through making meals

    • Provide medical services on Sunday mornings and special events

    • Assess to determine if more resources are needed


    • TBD based upon your availability


    • One of the following: EMT, Advanced EMT, Paramedic, Nurse or MD with ER, CCU or ICU experience

    • Comfortable working on your own and taking charge of chaotic situations

  • Direct cars into spaces safely and efficiently


    • One service, every other week


    • Have a friendly demeanor and smile as you help people find their space

    • Be available to pray with people between services

    • Participate in the work of the Spirit to pray accordingly

    • Receive and pray through incoming requests


    • 1-2 services/month, based on availability


    • A willingness to walk and pray in the Spirit

    • An ability to engage in conversation in order to pray for them

    • Curate an environment for people to actively engage in worship through technology

    • Work as a team to set up the worship team and pastors for success

    • Roles: camera operator, ProPresenter, video director, video switcher, audio, producer, lighting director


    • TBD based on your availability


    • Posture of humility and a deep personal walk with the Lord

    • Able to work well with others as part of a team and a willingness to learn and grow

    • Foster a safe and secure atmosphere for our campus

    • Provide a quick and calm response to any issue that arises

    • Help to prevent and be prepared for safety incidents


    • 2 services/month, monthly team meeting, yearly trainings


    • Must be a covenant member (or in process of becoming one)

    • Must pass background check

    • No formal training required but military or first responder experience is desired

    • Situational awareness and de-escalation experience preferred

    • Set-up and/or take down worship center and children's area on a Sunday morning

    • Volunteer to transport trailer(s) to and from storage facility to worship location

    • Actively lead people to the throne of God through music

    • Roles: vocalists, electric/acoustic/bass guitar, drums, piano, etc.


    • TBD based on your availability


    • Must be a covenant member (or in process of becoming one)

    • Have a posture of humility and a deep personal walk with the Lord

    • Able to work well with others as part of a team and a willingness to learn and grow


    • Set up/tear down for special events

    • Assist the Director of Operations to repair/upgrade various campus projects


    • varies upon needs of the church

    • Aid church members in responding to God’s call to care for vulnerable  children

    • Join a care community and serve families through prayer, meals, and childcare when needed

    • Volunteer with The Cooper House in Noblesville, IN


    • varies depending on role and capacity

    • prep crafts

    • disinfect toys and wipe down shelves          

    • organize/Inventory Supplies

    • set up rooms for Sunday mornings

    • write birthday and "we miss you" cards

    • decorating rooms for special occasions


    • flexible based on availability and needs

    • Serve snacks and engage with students in a personal way

    • Communicate regularly with Snack Shack Coordinator


    • 7:30-9PM on student ministry nights and at extra youth events

    • Partner with parents to help disciple students in grades 7th-12th

    • Build and foster relationships with students through intentional conversations on Sunday nights and throughout the week

    • Participate alongside students in worship, Bible reading, and group activities


    • 3.5 hours/Sunday, 3 Sundays/month (plus any training, retreat or camp)


    • must be a covenant member (or in process of becoming one)

    • must pass background check

    • attend/complete Youth Leader trainings    

    • passionate about investing in students lives outside of Sunday night


    • Lead or Host Adult Life Group to grow in biblical community and walk together in Christ-likeness through the application of God’s Word

    • Must be a Covenant Member or in the process of becoming one


    • Develop as a Life Group Leader in preparation to lead

    • Weekly growth, development, and commitment as a part of life group

    • Must be a Covenant Member or in the process of becoming one


    • Walk with a group of Life Group Leaders providing care, support, and encouragement as they lead life group and help their groups care for each other

    • Must be a Covenant Member

    • Regular weekly commitments and contacts within leadership


    • Provide childcare for a life group so children can be safe and cared for in order for parents to prioritize discipleship through biblical community

    • Arranged and organized agreed upon by the particular families in the life-group

    • Payment can be determined and arranged with group

    • Events: Game night, Conferences, The SWAP

    • Roles: vary with each event. Including but not limited to decoration creation, room set up/tear down, food set up, cafe, gift bag assembly, welcome/greeting, and general upkeep


    • varies with each role and event (some roles require prep beforehand and some are only day-of)


    • a caring spirit and a willingness to serve with a humble heart